11 April 2009

A Breather

I was feeling it last night. The pressure in the head. Flight of ideas. Gave a few missed calls. Had finished coupla chapters on ECG and roomie slept off too at the end of a healthy bitchin session. No calls returned. Had been a week I had breathed. Hopital, readin, hospital, readin. Home was distant in the past. Looks distant in the future. I wanna unload. Anythin to anyone.
It was the perfect bad mornin. Got up at 8.55. Dashed straight from the bed to check my patients and then attend the customary round with consultant. Phew! All's well that ends ok. A couple of lectures for juniors and I was looking at a long day unfinished. Some more ECG or The Reader? Pondering over a glass of juice when my colleague-friend joined me. A lazy horrible lunch. Draggin feet back to the room. She suggested I sat some with her though my senses wanted to take me back to books. I didn't think long. Thank God. Half lied down with her.
‘How was your friend's marriage, Siri?’
‘Was good. Got a major feelin seein them tying the knot. They were that couple of the batch everyone jus likes to talk about. Will they won't they? I met all the class guys I never used to talk to. Can u believe that. I didn’t speak to guys then!’
‘! That’s odd.’
‘I was in third when my friend in the colony told me we should have a guy jus for ourselves!! And we used to tie the one she liked and bring him to her!!’
‘Siri, yeah. That age of innocence. In Chandigarh we used to have this huge lawn in every block. We used to come back from school and catch a li'll nap. Take a bath, wear knee length socks and shoes and go runnin to play with till 8!.. Ah, what life!
The kids today are under so much pressure. I see these kids in class 4 goin for tuitions with huge bags in the afternoon heat. Moms are more educated but less tolerant. And then u speak to kids in middle school. So what ya play in the eve? Some comp game or TV.. What on TV.. Kyunki saas bhi kabhi bahu thi. Bull shit. Siri what's become of childhood!
Siri and the cell-phones! Remember that life. Am so glad we had school pre telecom boom. There was no encroachment of one's personal space. Siri I think I wanna bring my kids up in a tiny town with gardens for very house and I wanna teach them myself and they'll play all day for greater part of school life and definitely no cell phone and no competition in school with rich kids, though am sure they'll always have enough money in the family. Siri are u gettin me. I owe them a good time in life. Siri?’
‘Ok ok relax. You not havin a kid already. Don’t get so stirred.’
‘Siri it was a good life. Our childhood. No pressure on the brain except may be a li’ll embarrassment if u standin outside the class because u made an ugly doll for the craft class. Ha! Art craft dance music, a new song for every season. Games period. Moral science lectures. We used to listen to them more seriously than today’s anatomy class!.. Gimme that life! Siri lets go back! In 5 yrs I’ll touch thirty! Siri am old. Siri I’ll commit suicide if I hit 30!'
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. A good laugh. Silence. Staring at the ceiling. Smiling. Blank. Swellin of the lighter heart. Its been a cool life. Fun at that. And we had jus talked of inconsequential stuff, issues closer to the heart than the immediate life. Had been time we disconnected from the present. And glad we did. Life shall go on. What can u do or undo. Headed to the room. A happy peaceful nap and ECG.

1 comment:

prince, the tiger cub said...

you went to the reader? - !!

you had a happy peaceful nap?