12 April 2009

Dead Body

Was it the eeky feeling or the shame of having been disrespectful. Stepping on a dead-body can hardly incite positive feelings. Rather fills u with disgust. How could u not realise. Yikes! But it was unintentional and inevitable. They were strewn all across the floor. Lots of them. Early morning dead honey-bees in the corridor. Lonely souls must have struggled all night.
Don’t they have a family? Who could burn them? Or carry them on a stetcher and bury them? Say a pray for them? I jus brushed the ones in my path so I could save any guilt of being the heartless human.
But then I was glad. I was a human. Atleast when we’re dead they’ll do these nice rituals. Cremation. Burial. A citation full of praise and respect. A touch of the holy waters. Nice. No human disregards a dead-body.
A terrorist won’t kill a dead man. They won’t build nuclear weapons if everyone was dead. If the pubs had dead girls they couldn’t pull them by the hair and throw them on the floor. The politicians won’t exploit dead people, their money or faith. No one will exploit dead poor children. No one will rape a dead girl. A dead pregnant woman shall be cared for better.
To be dead is good if u’re a human. There’s peace and lovin. I’m glad am a human. Such bliss in death!


prince, the tiger cub said...

thats a nice one.

Princess said...

Now that is a different way of looking at that!