18 February 2010


You came and apologized,
I said, ‘Its ok,’ without a hitch,
but did you hear me scream inside,
‘Fuck you bitch!’

I do walk out full sleeved,
and in baggy jeans wide,
but you know what,
am all pink and lacy inside!

Did I give u a lecture
that alcohol is toxic, and makes you quick older?
I forgot to mention,
am too carried back from parties on many a shoulder!

You caught me raising my eyebrows
when you went all swoony over that dude,
but you didn’t catch me go weak in knees myself,
long before you thought I would!

I show I get disgusted,
when you all rattle out all those gaalis,
but I was the first to run back and check out
the dictionary meaning of MC-BC waalis!

I tell mom-dad I can’t come with them
‘coz I gotta finish all the revision,
and soon enough I jump on the bed
to catch the best scenes on television!

I know its pathetic
to live a life so hypocrital,
but it’s a major kick, you know,
to be nice outside, and inside, such a naughty girl!


KG said...

Hey! That was deliriouly fun! You really should write more often.

Oh and thanks for the comment on my blog ;)

Nidhi said...

this is awesome! :)

oraunak said...

This was really good. It has been a while since I went Cowboy style riding along tumbling from blog to blog.
I like your modesty. You don't assume, that's rare.

This post could be made into a nice rap song. :)